Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aerifying Greens, Fairways and Roughs

With the upcoming great looking weather, we will begin the process of aerifying fairways.  After a long winter, the fairways are really compacted and still very thin in the more shady areas.  This will help relieve some of the compaction as well as help promote new growth.  We will be doing the process on 3-4 fairways per day.  This will allow us to run the aerifier over the fairway, give time for the plugs to dry, then take our rotary mower over the plugs to pulverize them.  We should finish this by Thursday of this week and aerifying a few fairways per day should minimize the impact to play. 

We will also be going out to "spot aerify" some of the greens this week.  We will be using a solid "star"  aerification tine and the process will be hardly noticeable.  Several greens have thin areas on mounds and edges from the harsh winter and punching with a solid tine will help speed recovery.  We will not actually pull a plug until April 18th, in which case we will pull a 1/4" plug.

In the coming weeks, we will also be aerifying all of the roughs between the cartpaths and fairways to help relieve compaction.  Once we begin this process, we will remain "Cart Path Only" for a couple of weeks to give the turf a chance to thicken and fill in.

As always please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!


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